If you find yourself in agreement with and want to be part of the liberal religious
movement of Unitarian Universalism, I invite you to strengthen your relationship with the liberal religious community by joining
the Church of the Larger Fellowship, Unitarian Universalists (CLF, UU), the organisation serving isolated religious liberals
all over the world who cannot find a liberal church to attend.
To know the implications or responsibilities of the act of joining, the pamphlet "Becoming a Member"
(www.uua.org/pamphlet/3003.html) says it very well. Please pay particular attention to the following passages:
"Your signature is your affirming symbol of commitment to an open-minded, inclusive, reasoned, seasoned,
compassionate and contemporary approach to life."
"Joining a church such as ours means essentially three things:
1. You are in fundamental sympathy with
the principles of freedom and reason in religion and life. This is the basis for our creedless church.
2. You commit yourself
to the importance of an organized religious fellowship. Ideas and ideals must have a vehicle, and embodiment in the world.
People who think and work together for the values in which they believe have a better chance of achieving them than people
who do not.
3. You accept the responsibilities that go with membership in any human community. Within the limits of your
ability and in line with your personal choice, you are ready to give energy, time, money, and best thought to the furthering
of the ideas you prize."
On the practical level, the only obligation you have when you join CLF is to give yearly donations, the
amount being determined by yourself; you can start with a very small amount.
I have joined CLF since 1996. The monthly periodical Quest contains high quality sermons which never fail
to feed my liberal spiritual needs.
The whole joining process can be completed online at www.uua.org/clf/join . I used my credit card for setting up regular donation payments online without encountering any security
Please let me know if you have joined, I will be very pleased to know that!
For residents of Hong Kong, you may also visit our very welcoming local Unitarian Universalist
group, the Spiritual Seekers Society, although it is not a ful congregation at present.
For queries, please feel free to contact me by the methods given in the page Contact Us.